Read! Robina Gokongwei’s Funny and Inspiring Stories about her Dad - The Daily Sentry

Read! Robina Gokongwei’s Funny and Inspiring Stories about her Dad

Robina Gokongwei Pe | John Gokongwei | Photo credit to Bilyonaryo
On November last year, at the wake of the late tycoon, Mr. John Gokongwei, eldest daughter, Robina Gokongwei Pe, shared some of the most interesting and funniest stories she had growing up with her dad.

Pe, who is the President and CEO of Robinsons Retail Holdings Inc. is the eldest of the tycoon's six children, gave an eloquent eulogy laced with humor and tenderness as she recalled her most cherished moments of her late father from her enduring abduction to her momentous wedding day.

Robina Gokongwei Pe | Photo credit to JG Summit

And instead of tears, the room was loaded up with laughter as Robina admitted how amazed and amused she was at just how much of a workaholic her 93-year-old father was.

She recollects her memory of the last weeks of her dad's life, in the hospital lying in bed, where instead of asking for food like any patient will do, asked for their company financial reports.

“He had been lying in bed for 6 weeks, unable to speak well because of a tube in his mouth. Other patients would ask for food. He kept asking for company financial reports,” Robina said that elicits laughter in the crowd.

She likewise said that regardless of being extremely rich, John was 'kuripot' or stingy with money. The tycoon was additionally not known for his fashion style and frequently wore loose clothes.

John Gokongwei | Photo credit to JG Summit
“When I got married in Hong Kong in 1993, he did not even bring with him a new suit...He did not even think of buying a tuxedo, he decided to rent one! And he was so happy that the rental company had his size, double XL shirt, size 44 pants,” Robina exclaimed.

“He was so excited that during the wedding ceremony, he walked ahead of me and my mom got mad at him and said, Please wait for the bride!'' she added, and the room roared in laughter again.

Robina further shared how her father let her and her siblings work up the ladder to learn the valuable lesson of perseverance and humility, to learn to start at the bottom and not to be afraid of making mistake and to never give up.

More so, Robina also admitted that there was one point in her life that got her to some degree and questioned her late father's strategy, and that was the time when she was abducted.

With two of his children, Robina and Lance. John Gokongwei, Jr. passed away Saturday night, at the age of 93
Robina was seized in 1981 with her cousin Celina Chua on their way to the University of the Philippines, but surprisingly, her dad didn't pay ransom.

Following a week of being held hostage, they were rescued by now-senator Panfilo Lacson, who used to be with the Philippine Constabulary-Metropolitan Command. John was apparently working with Lacson for for their freedom and stalled the abductors.

Robina's eulogy was humorous, yet loving. And through it, everyone get a closer glimpse at what the businessman was like as a father.

John Gokongwei, Jr. passed away on November 9, 2019. He was 93.

Read her full story about his father below:

"Good evening dear family, relatives, friends, colleagues, and co-workers at JG Summit and Robinsons Retail.

Thank you very much for coming tonight.

A week before dad passed away, he was giving advice to my son, Justin, who's 24, and his advice was: “You have to play around!”

That was my dad, John Gokongwei, Jr. He was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’ll hear.

A lot of people know my dad as a businessman, and boy, was he a businessman. He had been lying in bed for six weeks, unable to speak well because of a tube in his mouth. Other patients would ask for food. He kept asking for company financial reports.

When I was little, his warning to me was: If you don’t work, you don’t eat. I made sure I had my food.

A lot of people would ask me, "Why is your dad so fat?" That’s because he worked so hard. As he said, if you don’t work, you don’t eat.

My dad was ahead of his time as a mentor father. He said if you don’t start at the bottom, you’ll never know who your customer is, and you’ll never know the issues of your staff. He was right. If he didn’t throw me into our Robinsons Department Store bodega when I was right out of college, I don’t think I would be able to manage our business. He even made sure I started in the bodega, the only place where there is no air-conditioning, and he told the HR head that I had to time in and time out.

The thing is, when Lance was on summer vacation, he also put Lance in the Robinsons Department Store bodega, where he learned how to tag bras and where he learned how to read the alphabet in bra sizes, which came in handy later in life (according to my brother-in-law, Berck Cheng).

His other advice was to never give up. When I was in U.P., I joined the varsity swimming team. But even after practicing two hours a day in a swimming pool full of moss, I still ended up as the supreme bangko of the team. One day I came home crying. I told my parents why was life so unfair, why did I become a bangko, and my dad said that what I experienced was only the start, and it will make me become a stronger person. He said that I should be happy that I even qualified for the team. He also said that he lost his father when he was 13—what could be worse than that?

In 1981, I was in my senior year in U.P., I got kidn@pped along with my cousin, Celina Chua. I did not know that the Lt. Colonel, and now senator Ping Lacson, was helping my dad negotiate with the kidn@ppers. After five days, and still getting no money, the sidekick of the leader of the gang, came to me with a worried and angry face. He said, “Anim pala kayong magkakapatid! Akala ko nag-iisa ka. Sabi ng tatay mo, pwede ka na ipamigay kasi mayroon pa siyang limang anak. Ano ba ‘yan!”

I was so sad to learn that my dad was giving me away. Little did I know, that it was the advice of Senator Ping to my dad. To prolong the conversation, so they can find us. After seven days, they found us. That was how good Senator Ping was, and to think there were no mobile phones then. By the way, I did not realize that the good senator had already disclosed this in this Twitter account.

When my dad turned 60, he held a party and announced his retirement. Of course, we all know he never retired at 60, nor did he retire at 70, or 80. He retired at 90. Henry Sy Sr. was a guest and Mr. Sy told him: “John, you are going to face three problems when you retire. One is what you are going to do after working for 50 years. Two is who is going to succeed you. Three is the worst problem of all—how to deal with five sons-in-law.”

In his speech in 2017, when he received the Management Man of the Year Award from the Management Association of the Philippines, he said, “I would say that the best sign of my management skills has been to manage my sons-in-law, most of whom are businessmen working with their own family businesses, and a lawyer. Guess who is the most difficult to manage?

My dad was always known to be a sloppy dresser and cheap when it comes to dressing up. His tie always had a stain from ice cream or coffee. When I got married in Hong Kong in 1993, he did not even bring with him a new suit. But my wedding ninong, the late Geny Lopez Jr. said that he was wearing a tuxedo. My dad got kind of embarrassed and said he had to upgrade his outfit. He also would like to wear a tuxedo. He did not even think of buying a tuxedo, he decided to rent one! And he was so happy that the rental company had his size—double XL shirt and size 44 pants.

My dad was a man always in a hurry. He can finish a meal in five minutes, and if you notice that his children do the same thing, you know where our genes came from. He was always in a hurry that at the age of 60, he was asking why I was not yet married, as the children of his friends were already all married.

Finally, when my dad turned 67, I decided to get married. He was so excited that during the wedding ceremony, he walked ahead of me and my mom got mad at him and said, “Please wait for the bride!”

As I became more involved in the business, he continued to encourage me not to be afraid of making mistakes. By this time, I already had so much to eat because I was working a lot. I liked his words of encouragement, congratulating me for simple wins. But this year, he had other reasons for congratulating me. He had forgotten about the business and was now congratulating me for the UP men’s basketball team entering the Final Four for the second year in a row. He knew what his daughter really loved the most. That’s why I loved him for that.

(I hope the beloved priests from Ateneo officiating the mass tonight will pray for U.P.’s win on Wednesday).

Get some rest, dad. We will look at the financial statements for you.

By the way, we did not rent his outfit for today. Somewhere along the way, he decided to buy himself an expensive suit, and we made sure that the tie did not have a stain.

Before I end my talk, I would like to thank a few people who took care of my dad all these years until his last days: Uncle Antonio Go, bodyguards Macoy and Bong, nurses Jeny and Delphin. Thank you very much for staying with dad."

Source: Esquire