Recently, netizen Ryan Mina came out publicly on Facebook cautioning everyone of a certain thieving modus which victimized him and his uncle. The said scam, which lasted for about 5-10 minutes caused Ryan’s uncle to lose a bag filled with important documents and personal belongings.
Affixed hereafter, is Ryan’s Facebook post that narrates how the incident came about and more importantly, explains how the thieving modus was performed.
The post reads:
“At around 11am this morning, my uncle and I were headed back to Alabang from Lipa, and we decided to stop by for lunch at Chowking located in Shell gas station in Mamplasan along SLEX. While we were eating (around 11:25am), a woman approached our table and told us that our car had just been hit. I asked her what was the car model and what was the plate number of the vehicle that she was talking about, but she only repeatedly said that our car got hit and she said that it was the vehicle parked in front of Café France (exactly where we parked).
As seen on the CCTV footage, as my uncle got up, a man seated behind him stood up, picked up my uncle’s bag, hid it under his jacket, then hurriedly went out with the man who “dropped” the things under the table.”
Also affixed in Ryan’s post were CCTV footages of the suspects. Conclusively ending his post, Ryan encouraged everyone especially those who have knowledge on the suspects involved to cooperate and officially end their deceitful scam.
"If you have any knowledge of their whereabouts, please send me a direct message through my Facebook account. PLEASE SHARE this post and help us find these scumbags, so that they will be stopped. Thanks!” Ryan ended.
Source: Ryan Mina | Facebook