Filipino lawyer and one of Pres. Duterte's strongest supporter slammed Senator Rubio following his call to release Senator Delima.
In his Facebook post, Atty. Bruce Rivera wrote an open letter lambasting the US senator due to his recent pronouncements.
Rivera, in his letter, reminded Rubio of the country's independence and sovereignty that the senator is stepping on.
"Sir, you want for Senator de Lima to be released unconditionally and you are telling us like we are some subservient constituent. Have you forgotten that my country is an INDEPENDENT and SOVEREIGN country." the letter reads.
The pro-Duterte lawyer then cited Rubio's personal issues that Rivera coined "much more disturbing human rights issues" that makes the senator "lack the moral ascendancy" to tell us, Filipinos, what to do.
As enumerated by the fierce lawyer, these are some of Rubio's alleged misconduct as an official in his own country:
-Rubio lied about his parents being refugees by the Castro's Cuban regime. Turns out, his parents came to the US before Castro. He later dismissed it as something of a habit of Hispanics to make lores about family history.
- He attacked Donald Trump and called him dishonest but later on endorsed Trump when the latter defeated him in his home state of Florida.
- Rubio decided to change the immigration laws he took advantage of against the Hispanic immigrants who cannot have the same benefits as he did when he came to the US.
-Rubio supported the invaslon of Iraq (the US found no weap0ns of m@ss de5truction and kllled S@ddam Hussein just the same), he also supported the invaslon of Libya causing the de@th of Qasdafi). He favored arming the Sunni Muslims against the Shi'te Muslims in Iraq and Syria
-Rubio supports metadata collecfion for national security purposes allowing the state to spy on its people
- Rubio received $3.4 million contribution from the NRA. And it help in the way he voted. He voted against putting extra security checks for purchasing firearms and this resulted in seven mass sho0tings in three years in his home state of Florida, the most deadly was in an Orlando Gay Bar.
Read his powerful open letter here:
Sir, you want for Senator de Lima to be released unconditionally and you are telling us like we are some subservient constituent. Have you forgotten that my country is an INDEPENDENT and SOVEREIGN country. We do not take orders from a US Senator because even our own Senators cannot order us to release her and we voted for them. Who gave you the delusions that you can just order that?
Before you begin to act like you have the power to dictate us, please look at the situation of your United States and if you think there is no injustice greater that the injustice committed against de Lima as you alleged, then continue being self-righteous. Sadly, you have much more disturbing human rights issues which makes you lack the moral ascendancy to tell us what to do.
-Rubio lied about his parents being refugees by the Castro's Cuban regime. Turns out, his parents came to the US before Castro. He later dismissed it as something of a habit of Hispanics to make lores about family history.
- He attacked Donald Trump and called him dishonest but later on endorsed Trump when the latter defeated him in his home state of Florida.
- Rubio decided to change the immigration laws he took advantage of against the Hispanic immigrants who cannot have the same benefits as he did when he came to the US.
-Rubio supported the invaslon of Iraq (the US found no weap0ns of m@ss de5truction and kllled S@ddam Hussein just the same), he also supported the invaslon of Libya causing the de@th of Qasdafi). He favored arming the Sunni Muslims against the Shi'te Muslims in Iraq and Syria
-Rubio supports metadata collecfion for national security purposes allowing the state to spy on its people
- Rubio received $3.4 million contribution from the NRA. And it help in the way he voted. He voted against putting extra security checks for purchasing firearms and this resulted in seven mass sho0tings in three years in his home state of Florida, the most deadly was in an Orlando Gay Bar.
Clearly, US Senator Marco Rubio has no moral bone to call for the release of Sen. De Lima because even by Catholic standards, he is far from moral. Before he can call for her release, Rubio should introspectively look at his actions. Then he will see that meddling is the reason he is one of the reasons why the US is the most obnoxious state on this earth.
You do not want anyone dictating the US so stop meddling. Remember, you approve of spying on your citizens so you should not object some of the evidence against De Lima came about by the very same practice you approve.
Source: Bruce V. Rivera