Caloocan Bishop Pablo Virgilio David, photo from Preda Foundation |
Manila, Philippines - Caloocan Bishop Pablo Virgilio David,
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) vice president, said
that as a Church leader, he had failed for not being able to protect his diocese
from murderers, adding that Christ also agreed with him.
During his homily at the Eucharistic celebration of the 5th
Philippine Conference of New Evangelization (PCNE 5), the Bishop said that he
was not a good shepherd to his flock.
“So today in utter shame and frustration, I declare I have
not been a good shepherd to my flock! The wolves, they have been prowling the
streets and alleys of Caloocan, Malabon and Navotas for almost 2 years now.”David
said early Thursday.
“And when I woke up early this morning, I heard the good
shepherd whispering to me in my prayer, “You are right, Ambo [his nickname],
you are not the good shepherd. I am." he said.
David together with other CBCP officials have condemned the recent
kiIlings of priests.
This message from the Caloocan bishop stemmed from the
recent incidents of kilIings in Caloocan City.
The bishop also shared that before his homily for the mass,
he said that he received a message from one member of the Caloocan diocese,
whom he did not name, that there was another victim named Jennifer Taburada, 27, slain by “masked men” at
Barangay 152 in Bagong Barrio, Caloocan around 8 p.m.
He added that those men made sure Taburada did not survive
before leaving her.
During the mass at the PCNE, a special collection was asked that
reached to more than P297, 000 for the orphaned children of Taburada.
“the deathsquads that kilIed Jennifer earlier were not even
rushing. If the police in the nearby station wanted to pursue them, they had
all the time to do so.” The bishop claimed.
Taburada was reportedly widowed by one of the victims of
EJK, who led the support group for EJK victims in Caloocan.
David also asked the faithful Catholics for prayers as he
was not able to protect his flock with his life while he comfortable slept on
his warm bed.
Source: Manila Times