Many people throughout the years have tried to come up with an explanation for the images, feelings, and sensations we experience in a dream.
There’s still no scientific reason why we dream but scientists are theorizing that our minds are processing information given to us by the subconscious.
Indeed, numerous people have endorsed the Freudian theory of dreams: dreams reveal insight into hidden desires and emotions.
For 30 years , psychologist Ian Wallace has interpreted over 150,000 dreams during the course as a practicing dreams analyst.
Below is an assembled a list of nine common dream situations and what they most likely could mean for you.
1. Falling
If you experience the sensation of falling into an unknown depth then that could mean you’ve been clinging to a certain person, situation, or place in your life too tightly. You have to let go of this something or someone in order for your anxiety to leave.
2. Discovering an abandoned room
Finding an unused room or a room that ‘feels’ abandoned in your dreams may mean that you’re on the verge of discovering or have discovered something about yourself. Most likely it’s a talent or skill that you haven’t given much thought lately.
Check your own talents and find out if you have the potential to improve upon one of those skills.
3. Being unprepared for a test, speech or public speaking
Feeling anxious in a dream either a week or the night before a major event? That’s more common than you think. That’s essentially out subconscious telling us that we’re putting a lot of pressure on ourselves. It basically means that our anxiety over our real world issues have seeped into our dreams.
4. Flying
A fairly common dream to many people – the sensation of flying in a dream means that a burden or something that causes personal anxiety has been lifted from our minds. Dreams of flight may also mean being confident spiritually in facing new challenges upon awakening.
5. Trapped in an uncontrollable vehicle.
The dream of being trapped inside an uncontrollable vehicle -whether in a train, car, boat, plane, etc – could mean that you’ve lost control over a certain situation or issue in your life. It may also mean that you’re worried that you’ve lost control over your path to success.
6. Public nudity
Dreams of being naked in public are surprisingly fairly common. It could mean that you lack confidence in your certain abilities or that you worry about being vulnerable.
7. Wanting to relieve yourself with no toilets anywhere.
It can be a stressful feeling when you need to go to a toilet and not finding one anywhere. The same feeling is magnified many times over in a dream.
If you have recurring dreams where you needed to use the restroom and can't find one then one psychological interpretation says you have a need or feeling that needs to be let out.
8. Teeth fall out
More like a nightmare than a dream - when your teeth fall out of your mouth or they’re easily removable, then that could symbolize a feeling of failure or weakness in real life.
Teeth are often associated with confidence, so when they all fall out then your self-assurance has been lost. More superstitious interpretations of this dreams means that either you or someone you know is about to die.
9. Being chased by an unknown thing or personal
Another common scenario and potential nightmare – feeling chased by something or someone in dreams mean there are certain issues in real life that you have to address.
Unfortunately, that may mean you don’t know how to handle that issue. Thus you’re quite literally being chased by the manifestations of your problems while in a dream.
How did you find that list? Do you often dream of some of the things listed here? Do you have any other dreams you think mean something?
Tell us your thoughts in the comments section! Remember to share this story on Facebook!
Source: Elitereaders